Soteco, Black is Green
30th April, 2021 In Information / 0 comment

Introducing the new range of Soteco Vacuum Cleaners. “Black is Green” features the best of reliability, quality, durability, and robustness from over 40 years of experience. It consist of over 70 different models to choose from for any application. High modularity of the components for easier maintenance and optimization of spareparts.

IPC Soteco have created an innovative range equipped for professional cleaning using an IPC exclusive technology with high quality recycled plastic to promote environmental protection and sustainable development. The AP Tube used for each vacuum, is a patented solution that confirms Soteco’s end-user oriented attitude, through the ongoing search and development for innovative solutions to simplify the daily cleaning activities. The Antibacterial treatment of the filters with the silver ions, destroys the cell membrane of the bacteria, fungous, viruses, and microparasites for inhibiting their proliferation.

For more information regarding our new range of Soteco Vacuum Cleaners, kindly contact us at (02) 8525-7777 or send us an email at sales@cleancityphil.com